Our Programs

This is What We Do


Mental Real- Of- State seeks to groom the next generation of changemakers through mentorship of life skills and incisive decision making , networking and mentor-mentee collaborative platforms to foster emotional intelligence, self compassion and positive attitude towards life.


Mental Real- Of- State is committed to creating a culture of innovation and analytical entrepreneurial risk taking by collaborating with educational institutions to create workshops and entrepreneurship seminars that will instill the culture of trade and a business mindset geared towards improved quality of livelihood.

Positive Thinking Development

Mental Real-Of-State is focused on the wholesome growth of individuals and fostering positive thinking. This program focuses on spiritual nourishment through adoption of mindfulness as a technique; hitting the mute button on anxieties, stressors and distractions while living in the present moment, accepting weaknesses and practicing compassion towards a better version of one self without employing judgement.

Talent Development

The Mental Real-Of-State is committed towards an inclusive approach towards honing skills among youth globally through supporting their ways of talent expression. We intend to psychologically boost the art of FLOW while practically engaging in potential skill driven activities geared towards self-actualization and improved living standards.

Peace building and conflict resolution.

Cognizant of the fact that peace is imperative for sustainable advancement to be realized, Mental Real-Of- State is designed to uphold peace through Education and workshop Training, Safe Spaces; where individuals can come together to discuss issues, share perspectives, and work towards peaceful resolutions without fear of violence or retaliation, encourage essential values such as understanding and empathy, building sustainable relationships through partnerships and collaboration and advocating for policies that promote peace, social justice and equality.